Biztonságban a falakon belül és kívül – a reintegráció társadalmi jelentőségének vizsgálata női fogvatartottak esetében

Autor: Adrienn Ács-Bíró
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Scientia et Securitas. 3:31-37
ISSN: 2732-2688
DOI: 10.1556/112.2022.00088
Popis: Összefoglalás. Kutatásunk célja a női fogvatartottak oktatási szempontú profiljának felállítása. Arra a kutatói kérdésünkre kerestünk választ, hogy a jelenlegi börtönoktatás módszertana adekvátan illeszkedik-e a női fogvatartottak képességeihez, illetve hogyan járul hozzá a sikeres reintegrációs neveléshez. Kutatásunk ezáltal a társadalomba való visszailleszkedést támogató törekvések körébe jól illeszkedik, azt biztonsági aspektusból vizsgálja. Eredményeink alapján megerősítést nyert, hogy a többségi iskola mintáján szerveződő börtönoktatás módszertana kevéssé hatékony az összetett problémahálóval küzdő női elítéltek számára. A fogvatartottak képességstruktúráját tekintve a vizsgált csoport (N = 81) jelentős eltérést mutat a reintegrációt támogató életvezetési stratégia kialakításához szükséges kognitív területeken. Summary. Our research objective was to create a profile of female detainees regarding education and training aspects. The focus of the research was on the investigation of this special, less investigated group of prison population. Our research was conducted in the Penitentiary and Prison Institute of Kalocsa, where our target group consisted of female detainees, just about to be released from their penitentiary or prison-level sentence (N = 81). In the course of our investigation, we used document analysis, meta-analysis of specialized literature, and a measuring tool that could be easily installed and used within the framework of prison education. By the use of Cognitive Profile Test, we measured cognitive operations on three main fields: cognitive abilities, information processing, school skills. We were looking for answers for the research question whether the methodology and thematic of contemporary prison education could adequately fit the abilities of female inmates, and how it could facilitate their successful reintegration. Therefore, our research fits well into the field of social reintegration endeavours, investigating it from the aspect of safety. During a penal sentence, the prison and correction facilities have several responsibilities apart from the mere separation of criminals from society, including their preparation for reintegration through reintegration programmes. Besides the attention and motivation of the detainees, the success of these trainings also depends on the fact whether the general and individual developments can provide long-term lifestyle benefits. Integration into a normal lifestyle, the following of social standards and avoiding repeated criminal activities are all common interests, which constitute a foundation of secure society. In the case of active detainees, employment is an instrument of interior security, which also facilitates the sustainment of physical and mental health. For the individual, it evokes a feeling of social usefulness, thus supporting reintegration into society, while also helps to avoid depression and aggression caused by idleness. Therefore, the proper education of detainees is of utmost importance. By the use of a complex testing method, which measures several areas, we set up the cognitive profile of the inmates, which could facilitate effective education by revealing the structure of abilities. We can confirm that in the course of education, neither the strengths (attention, holistic thinking) of women, nor their beneficial level of abilities are exploited sufficiently. On the other hand, there is no targeted help for their weaknesses (education abilities, abstraction, sequential thinking), thus the effects of developments are merely accidental. These areas of educative intelligence constitute essential criteria for not only successful education, but also for constructive lifestyle, therefore they deserve special attention, and their development is highly advised prior to any treatment/education/training. Our research confirmed that the methodology of prison education, established upon the pattern of mainstream schools is less efficient in the case of female detainees struggling with a complex network of problems. According to our outcomes, we can declare that the investigated group presents significant divergence in comparison with the characteristics of the adult population used as reference point. There are significant deficiencies concerning cognitive areas that are necessary for the establishment of life coaching strategies supporting reintegration. In order to avoid the invocation of dysfunctional impacts, the implementation of integration and the connection of safety objectives require diligent assessment; namely, the development of a coherent point of view and its joint methodology.
Databáze: OpenAIRE