Analysis of HOM interaction between cavities by multimodal S-parameter measurements

Autor: F. Marhauser, H. Klein, M. Kurz, H.-W. Glock, P. Hulsmann
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.97CH36167).
DOI: 10.1109/pac.1997.749742
Popis: Accelerating cavities exchange HOM power through interconnecting beam pipes in case of signal frequencies above the cut-off of their propagating waveguide modes. This may lead either to improved HOM damping or-in the case most severe-to unwanted phase coherence of fields to the beam. Therefore the knowledge of the scattering properties of a cavity as a line element is needed to analyse all kinds of RF cavity-cavity interaction. Since there is a lack of measurement tools capable to provide a multidimensional scattering matrix at a given frequency point, we have been developing a method for this purpose. It uses a set of 2-port S-parameters of the device under test, embedded in a number of geometrically different RF environments. The application of the method is demonstrated with copper models of TESLA cavities.
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