Two Methods of Studying Structure Perfection of Single Crystal Nickel-Based Superalloys

Autor: Hans Berger, Arkadiusz Onyszko, Włodzimierz Bogdanowicz, Jan Sieniawski
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Solid State Phenomena. :177-180
ISSN: 1662-9779
Popis: The article presents the comparison of two methods: classical X-ray topography and the modern automatic X-ray OD-EFG diffractometer. Both methods were applied to study the crystal orientation of turbine blades of single crystal nickel-based superalloys. The solidification of a hollow assembly structure for 5 various blades was carried out by the Bridgman method at the Research and Development Laboratory for Aerospace Materials at Rzeszow University of Technology using an ALD Vacuum Technologies vacuum furnace. Ceramic moulds made of Al2O3 were used. The alloy temperature during casting into the mould amounted to 1550°C. The specimens for Laue method tests were cut out from the blades at withdrawal rates of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 mm/min.
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