Micrometastasis of Breast Cancer to the Endometrium, Cervix, and Contralateral Axilla

Autor: James V. Fiorica, Christine C. Tebes, Stephen J. Tebes
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Journal of Gynecologic Surgery. 22:31-34
ISSN: 1557-7724
Popis: Background: Common sites of detected metastatic breast cancer include bone, lung, pleura, soft tissues, and liver. However, multiple other areas such as genitourinary, cardiovascular and endocrine can be involved. Case: We present a woman with a familial breast cancer who had metastases to the contralateral axillary lymph node, endometrium, and cervix. Conclusions: Patients with metastatic breast cancer often have multiple areas involved including traditional sites but also less common areas such as the uterus. These patients require not only systemic treatment with chemotherapy to treat these distant areas of metastasis, but also diligent follow-up including pelvic exams and the necessary radiographic studies prompted by an abnormal pelvic exam. (J GYNECOL SURG 22:31)
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