The Water Switch-ON Spatial Information Platform (SIP)

Autor: Joan Sala Calero, Gerben Boot, Pascal Dihe, Berit Arheimer
Jazyk: angličtina
Popis: The amount of hydrological open data is continually growing and providing opportunities for the scientific community. Although the existing data portals (GEOSS Portal, INSPIRE community geoportal and others) enable access to open data, many users still find browsing through them difficult. Moreover, the time spent on gathering and preparing data usually results in more than the time spent on the experiment itself. Thus, any improvement on searching, understanding, accessing and using open data is greatly beneficial. The Spatial Information Platform (SIP) has been developed to tackle these issues within the SWITCH-ON European Commission funded FP7 project. The SIP has been designed as a set of tools based on open standards that provide to the user all the necessary functionalities as described in the Publish-Find-Bind (PFB) pattern. In other words, this means that the SIP helps users to locate relevant and suitable data for their experiments analysis, to access and transform it (filtering, extraction, selection, conversion, aggregation). Moreover, the SIP can be used to provide descriptive information about the data and to publish it so others can find and use it. The SIP is based on existing open data protocols such as the OGC/CSW, OGC/WMS, OpenDAP and open-source components like PostgreSQL/PostGIS, GeoServer and pyCSW. The SIP is divided in three main user interfaces: the BYOD (Browse your open dataset) web interface, the Expert GUI tool and the Upload Data and Metadata web interface. The BYOD HTML5 client is the main entry point for users that want to browse through open data in the SIP. The BYOD has a map interface based on Leaflet JavaScript libraries so that the users can search more efficiently. The web-based Open Data Registration Tool is a user-friendly upload and metadata description interface (geographical extent, license, DOI generation). The Expert GUI is a desktop application that provides full metadata editing capabilities for the metadata moderators of the project. In conclusion, the Spatial Information Platform (SIP) provides to its community a set of tools for better understanding and ease of use of hydrological open-data. Moreover, the SIP has been based on well-known OGC standards that will allow the connection and data harvesting from popular open data portals such as the GEOSS system of systems.
Databáze: OpenAIRE