A brief history of clinical organ transplantation

Autor: Sir Roy Calne A Brief History Of Clinical Organ Transplantation
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.24411/2308-1198-2017-00039
Popis: Transplantation is one of the most visible and impactful medical accomplishments of the 20th century. Arising from technical advances occurring at the turn of the 20th century and the mid-century scientific observations of a small number of visionary investigators, the clinical practice of transplantation rapidly became interwoven into the fabric of clinical care, not only from a practical standpoint, but also as an example of the immense possibilities, and challenges, of advanced medical practice. The history of transplantation has been the subject of numerous books, and while its in-depth treatment is not practical in this text, it is important to make evident the major contributions that brought the field to where it stands currently: a prime example of the power of science and medicine combined for a common good.
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