NL-FIIT at IEST-2018: Emotion Recognition utilizing Neural Networks and Multi-level Preprocessing

Autor: Mária Bieliková, Marián Šimko, Peter Lacko, Michal Farkas, Samuel Pecar
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.18653/v1/w18-6231
Popis: In this paper, we present neural models submitted to Shared Task on Implicit Emotion Recognition, organized as part of WASSA 2018. We propose a Bi-LSTM architecture with regularization through dropout and Gaussian noise. Our models use three different embedding layers: GloVe word embeddings trained on Twitter dataset, ELMo embeddings and also sentence embeddings. We see preprocessing as one of the most important parts of the task. We focused on handling emojis, emoticons, hashtags, and also various shortened word forms. In some cases, we proposed to remove some parts of the text, as they do not affect emotion of the original sentence. We also experimented with other modifications like category weights for learning and stacking multiple layers. Our model achieved a macro average F1 score of 65.55%, significantly outperforming the baseline model produced by a simple logistic regression.
Databáze: OpenAIRE