Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Thyroid Masses with Pathologic Correlation

Autor: Hazarika Devid, Borah Pollov, Mahanta Putul, Basumatari Bharati
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Medico-Legal Update. 20
ISSN: 0974-1283
DOI: 10.37506/mlu.v20i4.1994
Popis: Introduction: Thyroid gland is easily accessible to both clinical and radiological examinations. The thyroidmasses must be diagnosed and managed as early as possible to rule out malignancy. Thyroid masses aretypically found on physical examination or incidentally when other imaging studies are performed.Objectives: Evaluation of the clinical profile of thyroid masses with ultrasonography (UGC) of the patienthaving thyroid lesions with pathologic correlation.Materials and Method: This prospective study was a cross-sectional descriptive one, which was conductedover the 50 subjects with thyroid masses detected on USG, were further evaluated with Fine-needleAspiration Cytology (FNAC) and Histopathological Examination (HPE). The USG features such as internalcomposition, echotexture, shape, margins, presence or absence of peripheral halo, calcification and internalvascularity were correlated with the final diagnosis. The collected data were subjected to a statistical analysiswhich was performed using a Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 20.0.Descriptive statistical method were computed, and the statistical significance was tested by chi-square testand student’s t-test. A p-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Ethical clearance wastaken from ethics committee (H).Results: In USG diagnosis, goitre is the most common benign lesion in 63% followed by benign cyst 16%.Follicular carcinoma, medullary carcinoma and undifferentiated carcinoma 1 case of each variety was alsodetected at USG. Cytological examination of 50 cases, 44 (88%) cases revealed benign nature of thyroidswelling and 6 (12%) cases as malignant. The malignant thyroid cases diagnosed clinically and cytologically.Conclusion: USG and FNAC with HPE are the primary diagnostic modalities a surgeon utilizes to determinethe extent of thyroid surgery.
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