Measuring the coefficient of efficiency for a person: the experience of designing a complex sociological indicator of the degree of self­realization for a person

Autor: Kseniya Gerasimova
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: THE MONITORING OF PUBLIC OPINION: economic&social changes. 4:81-96
ISSN: 2219-5467
Popis: A sociological analogue of the coefficient of efficiency is proposed. It is a complex indicator of the degree of self-realization of the personality, including subjective and conditionally objective indices in six main areas (aspects) of life activity: work, (self) education, partnership, parenthood, hobbies and health preservation. The stages of designing the indicator are consistently described, the logic of combining subjective and objective indices into a single measurement construct and the criteria for the quality of the model (reliability and validity) are introduced, possibilities and prospects for studying self-realization processes are discussed.
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