Characteristics of Deep Electron Levels in Oxygen-Implanted and (Oxygen + Silicon) Co-Implanted n-GaAs

Autor: Dang Tran Quan, P. N. Favennec, Z. Guennouni, A. Le Bloa
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Physica Status Solidi (a). 132:145-154
ISSN: 1521-396X
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.2211320115
Popis: Double correlation deep level transient spectroscopy (DDLTS) is used to study the deep centers in oxygen-implanted and (oxygen + silicon) co-implanted LEC n-GaAs samples in the range of 260 to 450 K. Two deep centers are detected and characterized. One of them is related to the presence of oxygen and is annihilated in the case of silicon co-implantation. The behavior of these defects and their concentration variations with the implantation parameters and annealing treatments are reported. Possible structures of these deep centers are discussed. Les defauts profonds presents dans les echantillons de GaAs (LEC) type n implantes en oxygene et co-implantes en oxygene et en silicium sont mis en evidence et caracterises dans le domaine de temperatures 260 a 450 K en utilisant la methode DDLTS. Un de ces defauts est lie a la presence de l'oxygene et disparaǐt apres une co-implantation en silicium. Le comportement et les variations de la concentration de cesg defauts en fonction des conditions d'implantation et des traitements thermiques de recuit sont etudies. La structure de ces defauts est discutee.
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