Hydrogeology of Mali Thate–Galičica karst massif related to the catastrophic decrease of the level of Lake Prespa

Autor: Romeo Eftimi, Vasko Stojov, Zoran Stevanović
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Environmental Earth Sciences. 80
ISSN: 1866-6299
Popis: The lakes Ohrid and Prespa are located on the Balkan Peninsula, at the border between Albania, North Macedonia and Greece. They are separated by the high mountain chain of the Mali Thate-Galicica, which consist of highly karstified rocks, through which water from Lake Prespa drains into Lake Ohrid. This area has been a UNESCO world heritage site since 1979. A very rapid decrease of the level of the big Prespa Lake was observed during the period 1963–2020. There are different explanations and hypotheses in an attempt to explain the decrease of lake levels. These are: (a) an increase of transmissibility of the karst aquifer separating these lakes, caused by geologic–tectonic reasons and resulting in intensification of drainage; (b) the increased use of lake water by the local population for agricultural, industrial and other purposes, and (c) the effects of recent climate changes. The paper presents information about the hydrogeology of the region for the purpose of better understanding the formation of the karst water resources and the characteristics of their circulation. Analysing a large number of investigations which unevenly covering the investigated area, the authors concluded that the current catastrophic decrease of the level of Lake Prespa is largely the result of climate changes that have occurred in the last 60 years, as well as the non-effective management of the water resources. The severity of the problem, reflected directly in the well-being of the local population, requires cooperation of the scientists of the three countries in question with respect to the realisation of the goal of the investigation and the protection of water resources of Lake Prespa.
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