Uso de situações autênticas de sala de aula na formação de professores que ensinam Estatística: uma experiência com o uso de vídeos de aula (Use of authentic classroom situations in the training of teachers who teach Statistics: an experience with beginning teachers)

Autor: Bruna Mayara Batista Rodrigues, João Pedro da Ponte
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Revista Eletrônica de Educação. 15:e4444019
ISSN: 1982-7199
DOI: 10.14244/198271994444
Popis: e4444019 This article presents the results of an investigation into contributions of the analysis of authentic classroom situations to the professional development of the beginner teacher who teaches statistics, constituting a discussion about the formative processes of this professional. To achieve this, we considered the reflections that took place in three episodes of a mathematics teacher training that was part of a specialization course, carried out in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In these three episodes, the teachers analyzed video recordings from an 8 th grade class of a basic school, in the City School Network of Rio de Janeiro, addressing statistical representations. They also examined the content related to the task proposed to the students, the didactic potential of the task, and the students’ answers. A qualitative analysis of interpretative nature of the audio transcriptions of the teachers’ discussions in the episodes was carried out, as well as an analysis of the reports they produced based on a script prepared by the trainer. The results show that the analysis of the tasks and students’ responses and the analysis of the videos provided a learning experience about the teaching of statistics, namely regarding the teacher actions according to the reasoning and communication of the students. The teachers consider that these activities are essential in the training process to get closer to the real contexts of the classroom. Resumen Este articulo presenta los resultados de una investigacion sobre las contribuciones del analisis de situaciones autenticas en las clases al desarrollo profesional del maestro principiante que ensena Estadisticas. Para esto, consideramos las reflexiones que se produjeron en tres episodios de formacion de docentes de matematicas incluidos en un curso de especializacion, realizado en la Zona Oeste de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, constituindo una discusion sobre los procesos formativos de este profesional. En estes tres episodios, los maestros analizaron registros de video de una clase de 8o grado de escuela basica, en la Red Municipal de Rio de Janeiro, abordando representaciones estadisticas. Examinaron el contenido relacionado con la tarea propuesta, el potencial didactico de la tarea y las respuestas de los estudiantes. Se realizo un analisis cualitativo de la naturaleza interpretativa de las transcripciones de audio de las discusiones de los maestros en los episodios de capacitacion y los informes que produjeron en base a un guion preparado por el capacitador. 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