Autor: Titik Wijayanti, Herdini Widyaning Pertiwi, Bekti Dian Lestari
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Jurnal Kebidanan. :13-28
ISSN: 2301-7023
DOI: 10.35872/jurkeb.v14i01.514
Popis: Background. Currently, the Indonesian people are being hit by a disaster in the form of a non-natural disaster, namely the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of positive patients is increasing day by day. In the new normal period in this pandemic, the role of the community in breaking the chain of spreading the COVID-19 virus is very important. Various efforts by the community and the government to stop the spread of this virus are by implementing health protocols including washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and limiting mobility. However, the public is not yet fully aware of the importance of implementing health protocols, there are still many people who ignore health protocols. (Ministry of Health RI 2020) Research purposes. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the level of awareness of patients about health protocols in the new normal era. Research design. The design in this study is a correlational analytic study with a cross-sectional approach. The population of this study were all patients at PMB Windarti, A.Md.Keb from March 16, 2021 to April 16, 2021, a total of 53 patients. The sampling technique in this study was accidental sampling with a sample size of 32 respondents. The research measuring instrument is a questionnaire. Bivariate analysis using the sperm rank test. Research result. The majority of respondents are in the adult category, namely 20 respondents (62.5%), education is mostly secondary, namely 17 respondents (53.1%). The majority knowledge is sufficient, namely 14 respondents (43.8%). The level of awareness of patients about health protocols in the new normal era at PMB Windarti, A.Md.Keb is majority in the moderate category, namely 14 respondents (43.75%). There is no influence of age factor with the patient's level of awareness about health protocols in the new normal era (0.114> 0.05), there is an influence of the knowledge factor with the patient's level of awareness about health protocols in the new normal era (0.000
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