Crack initiation and propagation in uranium at elevated temperatures

Autor: N.E. Daniel, F. R. Shober, E.L. Foster, R.F. Dickerson
Rok vydání: 1962
Popis: Uranium tensile specimens prepared from high-carbon uranium were tested at 20, 175, 250, 275, 300, 325, 350, 400, and 450 deg C in vacuo at a strain rate of 0.0005-in./in./ min. The material exhibited a secondary minimum in ductility of 14.5% at 300 deg C. Metallographic examinations of the specimens after testing failed to reveal any evidence of grain-boundary cracking. Dynamic-modulus data on similar material were obtained at temperatures up to 1200 deg F with no indication of a drastic rate of change in this elastic property.
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