Anatoliacampa diclensis Sendra, Tusun & Satar 2022, sp. nov

Autor: Sendra, Alberto, Palero, Ferran, Sánchez-García, Alba, Selfa, Jesús, Tusun, Sadreddin, Satar, Ali
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8171201
Popis: Anatoliacampa diclensis Sendra, Tusun & Satar sp. nov. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to both the name of the cave and the name of the region of the type’ s locality. Type locality. Dicle Cave, Bozaba village, Dicle district, Diyarbakır province, Southeastern Anatolian region, Turkey. Holotype. TURKEY. ♀ (labelled as holotype- ♀ DUZM-2121). Dicle Cave, Bozaba village, Dicle district, Diyarbakır province, Southeastern Anatolian region, 38 ◦ 19 ′ 23 ′′ N, 40 ◦ 06 ′ 25 ′′ , E. Sadreddin TUSUN and Ali SATAR leg. Paratype. TURKEY. 6 (labelled as paratype-61 MZB (MCNB) 2022- 5694), same locality, date, and collectors as holotype. Other material. ♀ (coll. AS), same locality, date and collectors as types; specimen used for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and DNA analysis. Description. Body . Body length 5.6 mm (female, holotype) and 5.8 mm (male, paratype). Epicuticle smooth under compound microscope and SEM; with thin, medium-sized clothing covered by thin distal barbs. Head. Antennae complete (Figs. 1 and 2), with 41 antennomeres. Small, subcylindrical sensillum on third antennomere located in ventral position between c and d macrosetae; flagellum of the trichobothria very long (Fig. 2b). Central antennomeres 2.3 × as long as wide, with large barbed and short setae distributed in two to three whorls, in addition to one distal whorl of about 12 thin gouge sensilla 40–50 μm long (Fig. 2a, c, d). Apical antennomere with sensorial equipment of: cupuliform organ with about 12 complex olfactory chemoreceptors (each chemoreceptor is composed of a central column with the typical apical hole surrounded by irregular folds in a cauliflower shape and its surface is entirely reticulated and perforated) (Fig. 1a and b); numerous gouge sensilla 25–50 μm long (Fig. 1c, f); a few short bacilliform sensilla; several glandular setae on the edge of the hole of the cupuliform organ (Fig. 1a, d, e); and numerous long barbed setae. Frontal process slightly protruding, plain, and with one distal and two posterior non-tubercular setae; macrosetae along the insertion line of antennomere I similar in length, x setae the longest (a/i/p/x with relative lengths of 23/25/21/ 40 in holotype), all with very thin distal barbs. Labial palpus suboval, with a bacilliform latero-external sensillum, two guard setae on internal side, up to 8 setae on anterior border, and up to 150 neuroglandular setae in holotype, and 180 neuroglandular setae in paratype. Thorax. Macrosetal distribution (Fig. 3): pronotum with 1 + 1 ma, 2 + 2 la 1,3 , 2 + 2 lp 2,3 ; mesonotum with 1 + 1 ma, 2 + 2 la 1,2 , 2 + 2 lp 2,3 ; metanotum with 1 + 1 ma, 2 + 2 la 1,2 , 2 + 2 lp 2,3 . All notal macrosetae long and with thin barbs along distal half to two thirds; marginal setae longer than clothing setae, with thin barbs along distal half. Legs elongated, pretarsus of metathoracic leg overpasses end of abdomen. Lengths of metathoracic leg segments on holotype / paratype: coxa 0.26/0.30, trochanter 0.20/0.25, femur 0.98/1.05, tibia 1.19/1.30, tarsus 0.88/ 0.90; total: 3.51/3.80. Femora I–III with two long barbed dorsal macrosetae in the distal third of femur and one shorter barbed ventral macroseta inserted near central position (Fig. 4a). Tibia I with one or two short barbed ventral macrosetae; tibiae II–III without macrosetae. Calcars on tibiae covered with thin, short barbs. Tarsi with two rows of thick ventral setae with very thin barbs except on the apical portion. Four long barbed setae on dorsal subapical end of the tarsi. Claws (Fig. 4b–f) subequal with well-developed crests and a slightly backward overhang on both claws; the dorsal side is almost smooth and the ventral side has thin longitudinal grooves. Pretarsal lateral process start in laminar shape and extend into a narrow axis overpassing the end of the claws, which is divided into multiple fringes: simple or subdivided and with a hook ending. Abdomen. Distribution of macrosetae on tergites: 1 + 1 post 1 on I–IV; 0 + 0, 0 + 1 la, 3 + 3 post 1–3 or 4 + 4 post 1–4 on V; 0 + 0, 0 + 1, 1 + 1 la, 4 + 4 post 1–4 on VI–VII; 5 + 5 or 6 + 6 post 1–6 on VIII, and 8 + 8 post 1–8 on abdominal segment IX. All post urotergal macrosetae long and covered by thin barbs along distal four-fifths; la urotergal macrosetae shorter than post macrosetae, covered by barbs along distal half. Urosternite I with 11 + 12 macrosetae on holotype and 15 + 17 macrosetae on paratype (Fig. 5a and b); urosternites II–VII with 7 + 7–8 + 8 macrosetae; urosternite VIII with 3 + 3 macrosetae; all urosternal macrosetae robust and large, covered by long barbs along distal third to four-fifths. Styli with apical, subapical, and ventromedial setae completely surrounded by thin and short barbs (Fig. 6b). Eversible vesicles large, with two distinct zones: the distal one with an almost smooth surface with a sinuous border and the proximal one with a rough surface densely covered by minute dots (Fig. 6a). Gonopore of the genital papilla surrounded by 19 short setae (in paratype male). Cerci lost in all three specimens. Secondary sex characters. Male urosternite I (Fig. 5a) with very large appendages, almost subcylindrical, with up to 200 glandular a 1 setae. Female urosternite I (Fig. 5b) with thinner subcylindrical appendages, almost coniform, with up to 11 glandular a 1 setae. 3.2. Molecular analysis The new COI sequences have been uploaded to Genbank with codes: OM680964-OM680970. The selected nucleotide substitution model after alignment was GTR + G + I (BIC = 8561.95), with the proportion of invariant sites (I = 0.45) and estimated alpha parameter for the gamma distribution (α = 0.99), indicating a significant heterogeneity in the DNA substitution among sites. The ML phylogenetic tree showed Plusiocampinae sequences form a well-supported clade, nested within Campodeidae and clearly distinct from Japygidae (Fig. 9). Anatoliacampa diclensis Sendra, Tusun & Satar sp. nov grouped with Plusiocampa (Plusiocampa) imereti Sendra & Barjadze, 2021 (Sendra et al., 2021d) from Georgia and Plusiocampa (Stygiocampa) bureschi Silvestri, 1931 from Bulgaria, whereas Plusiocampa taxa from Iberian Peninsula [e.g. Plusiocampa (Plusiocampa) gadorensis Sendra, 2001, Plusiocampa (Plusiocampa) baetica Sendra, 2004 (Sendra et al., 2004) or Cestocampa iberica Sendra & Cond´e, 2012 (Sendra et al., 2012)] clustered in separate clades. 3.3. Habitat Dicle cave is excavated in carbonate rocks of the Fırat formation, Eocene to Miocene in age. It has one artificial entrance, 2 m × 1.5 m size, protected by a metal grid. It gives access to a large room with plenty of speleothems, 80 m long and 60 m wide, which goes down to a depth of 13 m (Fig. 7). The cave has no water pools or watercourse but some deep corners have hidden places where specimens of Anatoliacampa diclensis Sendra, Tusun & Satar gen. et sp. nov. were sampled. In summer, the outside environment reaches 35 ◦ C and 27% humidity, while the general atmosphere inside the cave stays at 23 ◦ C and 60% humidity.
Published as part of Sendra, Alberto, Palero, Ferran, Sánchez-García, Alba, Selfa, Jesús, Tusun, Sadreddin & Satar, Ali, 2022, New evidence for an Anatolian bridge: Colonization of Euromediterranean lands by cave-adapted Plusiocampinae (Diplura, Campodeidae), with establishment of a new genus, pp. 205-214 in Zoologischer Anzeiger 301 on pages 208-210, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2022.10.006,
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