ZnSe-based light emitters grown on wide-gap III-V buffer layers

Autor: R. Adhiri, K. Moschovis, A. Rinta-Möykky, Petteri Uusimaa, A. Souifi, Arto Salokatve, J. Stoimenos, George Kiriakidis, Markus Pessa, Pekka Savolainen
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices VI.
ISSN: 0277-786X
Popis: ZnSe-based laser diodes have recently encountered strong competition from those grown from GaN related materials. These two material systems behave in a very different way as far as defect generation and propagation are concerned. For ZnSe-based materials the lifetime of a laser-diode is very sensitive to the density of pre-existing extended defects in the epitaxial material. Therefore, fabrication of a long- lived ZnSe-based laser diode requires an elimination of extended defects as well as making low-resistivity components in order to minimize device heating. We discuss the molecular beam epitaxy growth and characterization of ZnSe-based epitaxial structures on various III-V buffer layers lattice matched to GaAs. The status of our ZnSe-based laser diodes and microcavity LEDs will also be discussed.
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