Additional file 3: Figure S2. of Spatial reorganization of telomeres in long-lived quiescent cells

Autor: Guidi, Micol, Ruault, Myriam, Marbouty, Martial, Loïodice, Isabelle, Cournac, Axel, Billaudeau, Cyrille, Hocher, Antoine, Mozziconacci, Julien, Koszul, Romain, Taddei, Angela
Rok vydání: 2015
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3646577_d12.v1
Popis: SIR-mediated telomere clustering drives chromosome conformation in the dense fraction of SP cells. a Mean contacts frequencies between 100-kb centromeres windows in G1 (blue) and G0 quiescent cells (red). Black and green curves: contacts between 100-kb segments randomly sampled in both conditions, to illustrate the absence of coverage biases after normalization. b Chromosome organization of WT and sir3∆ quiescent cells (the cryptic mating type locus HML was deleted to prevent pseudo-diploid effect). ii) Normalized contact matrix obtained for hml∆* (left) and hml∆ sir3∆ (right) cells. Color scale: contact frequencies from rare (white) to frequent (dark blue). Red arrowheads: centromeres contacts; green and yellow arrowheads: telomere–telomere contacts in hml∆ and hml∆ sir3∆ G0 cells, respectively. The 3D representations of the hml∆ and hml∆ sir3∆ matrices are represented next to the contact maps. Each chromosome is represented as a chain of beads (1 bead = 20 kb), with color code reflecting the chromosome arm lengths, from short (blue) to long (red) arms. Yellow beads: subtelomeric regions; black beads: centromeres; purple beads: boundaries of the rDNA cluster. c Contact maps of W303 strain during exponentially growth (EXPO, left) and quiescence (G0, right). Red arrowheads: centromere clustering; green and yellow arrowheads: telomere–telomere contacts of two chromosomes (XIII and XV) in expo and G0 cells, respectively. Because of the low sequencing coverage and quality, the signal is not as strong as for data in Fig. 3 and the bins are larger (1 vector: 80 DpnII RFs). d Quantification of colocalization of 30-kb telomeric regions (red dots) compared with the distribution of the colocalization scores (box plot, two standard deviations) computed for 1000 random sets of 32 windows of 30 kb in the genome (excluding centromeric regions). The colocalization score is normalized by the sequencing depth for each dataset.
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