2.3 A 220GOPS 96-Core Processor with 6 Chiplets 3D-Stacked on an Active Interposer Offering 0.6ns/mm Latency, 3Tb/s/mm2 Inter-Chiplet Interconnects and 156mW/mm2@ 82%-Peak-Efficiency DC-DC Converters

Autor: Lucile Arnaud, David Coriat, Cesar Fuguet, Perceval Coudrain, Julian Pontes, Ivan Miro-Panades, Sebastien Thuries, J. Durupt, Didier Varreau, D. Lattard, Alexis Farcy, Alexandre Arriordaz, Eric Guthmuller, Alain Greiner, Christian Bernard, Severine Cheramy, Gael Pillonnet, Guillaume Moritz, Alain Gueugnot, Yvain Thonnart, Quentin L. Meunier, Frédéric Berger, Jean Charbonnier, Pascal Vivet, Fabien Clermidy, Michel Harrand, Arnaud Garnier, Denis Dutoit
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: ISSCC
Popis: In the context of high-performance computing and big-data applications, the quest for performance requires modular, scalable, energy-efficient, low-cost manycore systems. Partitioning the system into multiple chiplets 3D-stacked onto large-scale interposers - organic substrate [1], 2.5D passive interposer [2] or silicon bridge [3] -leads to large modular architectures and cost reductions in advanced technologies by the Known Good Die (KGD) strategy and yield management. However, these approaches lack flexible efficient long-distance communications, smooth integration of heterogeneous chiplets, and easy integration of less-scalable analog functions, such as power management [4] and system IOs. To tackle these issues, this paper presents an active interposer integrating: i) a Switched Capacitor Voltage Regulator (SCVR) for on-chip power management; ii) flexible system interconnect topologies between all chiplets for scalable cache coherency support; iii) energy-efficient 3D-plugs for dense inter-layer communication; iv) a memory-IO controller and PHY for socket communication. The chip (Fig. 2.3.7) integrates 96 cores in 6 chiplets in 28nm FDSOI CMOS, 30-stacked in a face-to-face configuration using 20µm-pitch micro-bumps (µ-bumps) onto a 200 mm2 active interposer with 40µm-pitch Through Silicon Via (TSV) middle in a 65nm technology node. Even though complex functions are integrated, active-interposer yield is high thanks to the mature 65nm node and a reduced complexity (0.08transistors/µm2), with 30% of interposer area devoted to a SCVR variability-tolerant capacitors scheme.
Databáze: OpenAIRE