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Stress and burnout are dealt with in the literature as an issue commonly associated with jobs that require human relationships. The significant points highlighted in the definition of burnout are face-to-face relationships in the job environment and exposure to intensive emotional demands. Based on this definition, it may be concluded that mothers are also faced with the risk of stress and burnout, although motherhood is not defined as a profession. Mothers generally bear the main responsibility in the care and education of children and in guiding children’s lives. Since the psychological health of mothers has direct impacts on the mental health of children, it is important to study the prevention of distress and burnout in mothers and relevant coping strategies. The literature mostly presents studies related to burnout in the mother of sick or handicapped children. However, distress and burnout in mothers of children with normal development also need to be studied. In that vein, this study discusses the symptoms, prevention and coping strategies of distress and burnout with regard to motherhood. Ozet Stres ve tukenmislik insan ile iliski kuran meslek gruplarinda siklikla calisilan bir konu olarak alan yazinda yer almaktadir. Tukenmisligin taniminda meslek geregi insanlarla yuz yuze calisma ve yogun duygusal taleplere maruz kalma vurgu yapilan onemli noktalardir. Bu noktadan hareketle annelerin bir cocugun bakim ve egitimi ile yasamina yon vermede genellikle birinci derece sorumlu olan kisi olmasi nedeni ile bir meslek olarak tanimlanmasa da olumsuz stres ve tukenmislik yasama riski bulunmaktadir. Diger yandan annenin psikolojik sagligi ayni zamanda cocuklarinin ruh sagligi uzerinde etkili olabileceginden annelerde olumsuz stres ve tukenmislik sendromunu onleme ve bas etme stratejilerinin vurgulanmasi gereken onemli bir konu oldugu dusunulmektedir. Alan yazinda genellikle hasta ya da engelli cocuk annelerinde tukenmislik ile ilgili calismalarin yer aldigi gorulmektedir. Ancak normal gelisim gosteren cocuga sahip annelerde de olumsuz stres ve tukenmisligin gorulme olasiligi dikkat edilmesi gereken bir ozelliktir. Bu nedenle, bu derleme calismasinda stres ve tukenmisligin, annelikle iliskili olarak boyutlari, belirtileri, onleme ve basa cikma stratejileri tartisilmis, yeni calismalara yonelik onerilerde bulunulmustur. |