Distributed feedback quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy for airborne methane measurements

Autor: Laurynas Butkus, Žilvinas Ežerinskis, Artur Plotnikov, Anton Koroliov, Justina Šapolaitė, Algirdas Pabedinskas, Artūras Plukis, Vidmantas Remeikis
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: The intensive development of industry, agriculture, and transportation causes many issues related to the negative impact on the environment and human health. Harmful products of human technogenic activity accumulate in the environment. Due to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases (methane, carbon dioxide, etc.), the effects of global warming are already being observed. Research that addresses the challenges of climate change mitigation and creates science-based assumptions for new environmental monitoring systems and technologies is becoming more and more relevant.A new two drone system with a variable optical path for measuring greenhouse gases (CH4, CO2) is currently in development. Here, we will present a distributed feedback (DFB) quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy system which is used for measuring methane concentrations in the atmosphere. The DFB laser for methane measurements is being operated at 3371.5 nm and 3368.8 nm, for higher and lower concentrations respectively.The results of the Allan-Werle deviation analysis will be introduced. Also, measurement capabilities and detection limits of the system will be presented and discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE