Thermal Testing of Prototype General Purpose Fissile Packages Using a Furnace

Autor: Allen C. Smith, Rex N. Lutz, Lawrence F. Gelder, Paul S. Blanton
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Volume 7: Operations, Applications and Components.
DOI: 10.1115/pvp2007-26029
Popis: The 9977 / 9978 General Purpose Fissile Package (GPFP) was designed by SRNL to replace the DOT 6M Specification Package and ship Plutonium and Uranium metals and oxides. Urethane foam was used for the overpack to ensure the package would withstand the 10CFR71.73(c)(2) crush test, which is a severe test for drum-type packages. In addition, it was necessary to confirm that the urethane foam configuration provided adequate thermal protection for the containment vessel during the subsequent 10CFR71.73(c)(4) thermal test. Development tests were performed on early prototype test specimens of different diameter overpacks and a range of urethane foam densities. The thermal test was performed using an industrial furnace. Test results were used to optimize the selection of package diameter and foam density, and provided the basis for design enhancements incorporated into the final package design.
Databáze: OpenAIRE