Caustics of developable surfaces

Autor: Miklós Hoffmann, Imre Juhász, Ede Troll
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering. 23:479-487
ISSN: 2095-9230
Popis: While considering a mirror and light rays coming either from a point source or from infinity, the reflected light rays may have an envelope, called a caustic curve. In this paper, we study developable surfaces as mirrors. These caustic surfaces, described in a closed form, are also developable surfaces of the same type as the original mirror surface. We provide efficient, algorithmic computation to find the caustic surface of each of the three types of developable surfaces (cone, cylinder, and tangent surface of a spatial curve). We also provide a potential application of the results in contemporary free-form architecture design.
Databáze: OpenAIRE