The IGCP Project 216 'Global biological events in earth history'

Autor: Otto H. Walliser
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Global Bio-Events ISBN: 3540171800
Popis: The IGCP Project 216 is concerned with worldwide traceable exceptional changes ("events") within the biosphere. The principle objectives of this project, which needs interdisciplinary cooperation, are the following: (1) Study of those abiotic (geologic) processes and events which cause global biological events (geological level); (2) Reconstruction of the overall effect of global geologic events on the biosphere or parts of it (ecological level); (3) Evaluation of the influence of global events on evolution and evolutionary mechanisms (evolutionary level); (4) Refining of stratigraphical scales and of correlation methods by combination of biostratigraphy and event-stratigraphy (chronological level).
Databáze: OpenAIRE