Library Engagement With Emerging Technologies in Research and Learning

Autor: Robert Robert Awoyemi
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Handbook of Research on Facilitating Collaborative Learning Through Digital Content and Learning Technologies ISBN: 9781668457092
Popis: Data-intensive emerging technologies manifest in learning and research in several ways, offering routes to impact student success and transform the research process. In learning, emerging technologies may enable new strategies for addressing student success. In research, emerging technologies are already impacting scientific methodologies with more disruption, and opportunity, anticipated. As the nature of research changes, so do the practices surrounding its dissemination and other issues taking on new importance. This chapter identifies strategic opportunities for libraries to adopt and engage with emerging technologies and ways in which library values and professional expertise inform and shape this engagement. The chapter builds on four cross-cutting opportunities that permeate many or all aspects of library services. Each section identifies key technologies shaping user behaviours and library services and highlights exemplary initiatives.
Databáze: OpenAIRE