Experimental Determinations for the Massive Masonry Resistance of Patrimony Buildings Subjected to the Action of Environmental Factors and Mechanical Demands

Autor: Ludovic Gheorghe Kopenetz, Madalina Calbureanu, Anca Mihaela Barbu
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Applied Mechanics and Materials. 880:335-340
ISSN: 1662-7482
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.880.335
Popis: The paper presents the results of the experimental determinations of the resistance of the massive masonry elements from a patrimony building in the Oltenia Region, the masonry under the action of the environmental factors and the strong seismic movements occurring during their lifetime. Starting from the models of massive masonry behavior specific to the analyzed building type, the short compressive strength of the masonry elements from the analyzed building was determined experimentally. All the researches undertaken bring valuable data needed to predict the collapse of massive masonry buildings in national and world heritage.
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