Production Performance of the Cobb and Ross Broilers Reared under Warm Conditions

Autor: Justin H Chepete, Molebeledi H. D Mareko
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Livestock Environment VIII, 31 August - 4 September 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil.
DOI: 10.13031/2013.25586
Popis: The study was conducted to compare the production performance of the Cobb and Ross broiler breeds, depict the trends of the performance over the six-week growth period, and develop the performance relationships with bird age. Feed consumption, live weight, dressed weight, and mortality were measured on 2 - 6-week old Cobb and Ross broilers. The feed conversion, live and dressed weight gains were calculated. Both breeds were reared simultaneously in an environmentally controlled chamber and the measurements were repeated three times in a completely randomized block design experiment. The temperature and relative humidity set points were 24oC and 50 60%, respectively. The air velocity averaged 1.3 m/s. There were no significant differences between production performance of the Cobb and Ross broilers. However, in general, the trends of the production performance parameters showed that the Cobb had higher values than the Ross. All the production performance parameters exhibited linear relationships with bird age.
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