A semantic-based access control for ensuring data security in cloud computing

Autor: M. Auxilia, K. Raja
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: 2012 International Conference on Radar, Communication and Computing (ICRCC).
Popis: Ensuring data security in cloud is an important research issue. Data access Control isan efficient way for guaranteeing the data security. Data access cannot be controlled safely and efficiently, unless access decision takes semantic relationship among different entities in the access control domain. Accessdecisions made with considering entities in isolation, rather than taking their interrelationships into account may result in security violations. Traditional access control models like MAC, DAC, RBAC fails to consider interrelationships among access control entities. In this paper, we propose a Semantic Based AccessControl model, which considers relationships among the entities in all domains of access control namely Subject(user), Object(Data/resource), Action(select, open, read, write) and so on. We also had shown how to reduce the semantic interrelationships into subsumption problem. This reduction facilitates the propagation of policies in these domains and also enhances time and space complexity of access control mechanisms.
Databáze: OpenAIRE