Modelling of Single-Axis Tracking Gain for Bifacial PV Systems

Autor: Lindsay, A., Chiodetti, M., Binesti, D., Mousel, S., Lutun, E., Radouane, K., Christopherson, J.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20162016-5co.14.2
Popis: 32nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; 1610-1617
Bifacial gains that can be reasonably achieved for utility-scale PV plants on fixed structures are estimated to be between 5% and 15% for natural ground albedos (0.2 for grassland to 0.5 for light-coloured sand). [1-2] In areas of the globe with high Direct Normal Irradiance, Horizontal Single-Axis Trackers are now sufficiently cost-effective to be installed for standard PV modules, unlocking increased irradiances on the front side of the PV modules. Bifacial modules can obviously also benefit from higher front irradiances. However, the tracking motion will affect the irradiance collected by the rear of the bifacial modules and this impact needs to be quantified. A model for bifacial modules on a single-axis tracker has been developed with the Modelica language in a Dymola simulation environment in order to calculate the back-side solar irradiations received by the different modules in a PV installation and the power that would be delivered at each time step. This paper aims at assessing the additional gain that can be expected for bifacial modules on horizontal singleaxis trackers, depending on season, ground-coverage ratio, diffuse/global horizontal irradiance ratio and albedo of the ground.
Databáze: OpenAIRE