Development of roll attitude quickness criteria for fighter aircraft

Autor: David H. Klyde, Roger H. Hoh, Bimal L. Aponso, David G. Mitchell
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference.
DOI: 10.2514/6.1995-3205
Popis: A recent effort undertaken for the Air Force Flight Dynamics Directorate provided proposed revisions to the flying qualities military standard. The intent of these revisions was to create the structure necessary for a mission-oriented specification. A significant portion of this effort focused on the development of roll and pitch attitude quickness criteria for moderate-amplitude maneuvering. This paper describes the piloted simulation experiment that was conducted to meet this end. The primary emphasis of the expcrimcnt was on aggressive maneuvering in roll. Handling qualities ratings from the lateral axis evaluations were used to develop flying qualities boundaries. The results suggest that roll damping highc than that currently specified is required for Level 1 flying qualities. Flying qualities requirements on roll attitude quickness are proposed. These requirements allow for a reduction in effective roll damping as maneuver amplitude increases.
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