Mycomya bowiei Omad & Pessacq & Anjos-Santos 2017, sp. nov

Autor: Omad, Guillermo, Pessacq, Pablo, Anjos-Santos, Danielle
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6039713
Popis: Mycomya bowiei Omad & Pessacq sp. nov. Diagnosis. Mycomya bowiei can be separated from other Patagonian species by the unique shape of the gonostylus bilobed (Fig. 4); anterior lobe with two prominences (Fig. 4 in lateral view), superior prominence small, with rounded apex armed with two sub-apical strong hooks and four long setae; inferior prominence finger like, slender, two times longer than superior one, with four strong setae at basal part and with a strong setae present at the concave region between prominences (Fig. 4). Description: Male (Figs. 1–5). Head. Mouthparts yellow; head brown. Antenna light brown, pedicel conical, scape rounded, first flagellomere 2.5x longer than pedicel; apical flagellomere with rounded tip (Fig. 1). Thorax (Fig. 1). Brownish. Pronotum with two long bristles and a few small setae. Proepisternum, proepimeron, anepisternum, katepisternum, mesepimeron and laterotergite bare. Mediotergite darker on ventral side, with a few shortthick setae on its posterior margin, close to the abdomen. Metepisternum with small setae over its surface (Fig. 1). Scutum covered with bristles and short setae. Coxae and legs light yellow. Fore coxa with a light brown area anteriorly, setae on anterior and distal margin, middle coxa without basal spur, a row of setae on distal anterior margin, hind coxae with long setae posteriorly. Wings hyaline, venation as in figure 2. Abdomen. First four segments light brown, darkening posteriorly except tergite nine. Genitalia (Figs. 3–5) yellow. Sternite 9 rounded, bare. Gonocoxite (Fig. 3) nearly oval, with a group of 6–7 long bristles on its inner margin, outer margin with 4–5 longer setae; gonostylus bilobed (Fig. 4); anterior lobe with two prominences (Fig. 4 in lateral view), superior prominence small, with rounded apex armed with two sub-apical strong hooks and four long setae; inferior prominence finger like, slender, two times longer than superior one, with four strong setae at basal part and with a strong setae present at the concave region between prominences (Fig. 4). Aedeagus (Fig. 3) thin, bifurcate at apex; hypoproct dome shaped, rounded at base, with two apical divergent lobes. Parameres present, fine, smoothly sinuous, not reaching the tip of the aedeagus (Fig. 3). Tergite ten (Fig. 5) with two lobes, U-shaped, with three long setae and several small bristles on each lobe, a pair of combs close to apex of each lobe, both with six dark, short spines (Fig. 5). Tergite 9 with lateral processes (Fig. 5) thicker towards apex, densely covered by setae on its distal half, with one long and very thick curved seta at the inner margin and an elongated oblong “nail-shape” structure on its apex; with a pair of long and slender dark spurs, with hooked apex, emerging at the base of the gonostylus and crossing each other at the apex (Fig. 5). Cercus globular, covered by small setae, tongue shaped, overlapping each other on the midline, with a group of 6–7 small setae near apex (Fig. 5). Female. (Fig. 6–7). Similar to male, except as follows: abdomen light brown, all segments similar colour. Coxae yellow. Terminalia: sternite 8 covered with setae; hypoginal valve well developed, long setae on margins (longer apically) (Fig. 6). Tergite 8 covered with microtrichia, long and short setae. Cercus short (Fig. 7), covered with setae, apical segment rounded. Type material. Holotype male: Argentina, Chubut, Los Alerces National Park, Torrecillas Glacier (42°40’S, 71°55’W), hand net, 2.II.2015, Omad, leg. Paratypes: 5 ♂, 8 ♀; same data as holotype; 5 ♂, 3 ♀, Argentina, Chubut, Baggilt Lake, state protected area (43°16’S, 71°41’W), hand net, 13.II.2015, Omad, leg. Etymology. We name this species in honour of David Bowie, who through his voice and music made our lives better. Distribution. Nothofagus forests of western Chubut Province (Argentina), Subandean Patagonia province (Subantarctic subregion, Andean region). Comments. The aedeagal complex of M. bowiei shows affinities with that of a group of seven Patagonian species described by Freeman (1951), that includes M. coxalis Freeman, M. divisus Freeman, M. jaffuelensis Freeman, M. pectinata Freeman and M. taurus Freeman currently not assigned to a particular subgenus and M. forcipata Freeman and M. longistila Freeman included in the subgenus Mycomyopsis. As in M. bowiei, these species share the presence of a pair of long and slender structures ventral to tergite nine and attached to the base of gonostylus, which cross each other and possess a curved apex. Additionally, M. taurus, M. divisus, and M. bowiei share a strikingly similar ventral half of the gonostylus, which bears a rounded process armed with several long setae and two strong hooks (absent in remaining species). With the five remaining species of this group (M. coxalis, M. forcipata, M. jaffuelensis, M. longistila and M. pectinata), M. bowiei shares the lateral processes of tergite 9 with several setae and an apical, elongated and more sclerotized, “nail-shape” structure, articulated with the apex of the gonostylus (lacking in M. taurus and M. divisa). Additionally, as in M. bowiei, the tergite nine is U-shaped, with two short lateral lobes in Mycomya coxalis, M. jaffuelensis and M. pectinata, the gonostylus also possess a thick, long inner basal seta in M. coxalis and M. jaffuelensis and there is a comb in the apex of tergite nine in M. forcipata, M. longistila and M. pectinata. However, M. bowiei can be separated by the remaining species of the genus in Patagonia by the unique shape of the aedeagus and gonostylus.
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