Special Populations

Autor: Michael I. Fingerhood
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: There are a number of issues regarding substance use disorders (SUD) that are particular to certain populations. Adolescents tend to lack insight into problems that result from substance use. CRAFFT is a simple and reliable screening tool for SUD in adolescents. Treatment generally consists of counseling. Intimate partner violence is more common among women with SUD and those whose partners have SUD. During pregnancy, alcohol is the drug most damaging to the fetus. Treatment programs developed specifically for women may be beneficial. Most SUD in older adults are related to alcohol, but opioid use is increasing, with associated risk of overdose fatality. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) individuals appear to be at increased risk for SUD. LGBTQ youth in particular have high rates of physical and sexual abuse, leading to high rates of opioid use disorder. Few programs specifically deliver LGBTQ-sensitive substance use treatment. At the time of incarceration, many arrestees test positive for illicit drugs or alcohol and perceive a need for treatment, but few receive it. Without medication for opioid use disorder while incarcerated, the risk of fatal opioid overdose soon after release is high. With regard to health professionals, the prevalence of alcohol use disorder is similar to that for the general population, although illicit drug use is less common. Medical societies have implemented programs to address SUD in the health professions.
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