Performance Analysis of Key-Value Stores with Consistent Replica Selection Approach

Autor: Thazin Nwe, Tin Tin Yee, Ei Chaw Htoon
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Communications in Computer and Information Science ISBN: 9789811533792
ACIIDS (Companion)
Popis: A key-value store is the primary architecture of data centers. Most modern data stores tend to be distributed and to enable the scaling of the replicas and data across multiple instances of commodity hardware. Defining static replica placement mechanisms in different data centers lack the efficiency of the storage system. In the proposed system, dynamic scaling that changes the key/value store with replicas dynamically joining or leaving. To enhance the dynamic scaling of the replicas, the consistent hashing mechanism is enhanced in key-value stores due to the adaptability of node changes. This mechanism performs the eventual consistency services that offer quorum key-value store with increased consistency. According to the ordering of the hash values among the replicas in the ring, it could provide higher system throughput and reduce lower latency cost without using the random of the original consistent hashing method. An experimental result overwhelms the loss of original consistent hashing algorithms entirely and is proper for the distributed key-value store.
Databáze: OpenAIRE