The T helper (Th) T Cytotoxic (Tc) Ratio in Hemophilia Disease

Autor: Hossein Ali Khazaei, Majid Naderi, Ghasem Miri Aliabad, Seyed Mohammad Nasiraldin Tabatabaei, Ali Alidadi, Nezar Ali Moulaei, Mohammad Safdari, Hedayatollah Nahvi, Nader Cohan, javid dehghan, Ahmad Mehraban, Arman Jalili, amin Khazaei, Ehsan Khazaei, Bahman Khazaei, Behnam Khazaei, Nima Rezaei
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Background and Objectives:In this study, we investigated the T helper (Th) to T cytotoxic (Tc) ratio in children suffered from hemophilia disease. 80 diagnostic subjects referred to Ali Asghar hospital of Zahedan city, Zahedan-Iran, were selected and the ratio of these cells were analyzed by analytic descriptive methods.Method of study:Two mls of EDTA anti coagulated whole blood was collected. Immunophenotyping of lymphocytes count was carried out by FACS analysis using a double CD4 and CD8 kit. The mean ± SD of absolute numbers of CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes/ml was calculated and the ratio of CD4/CD8 was evaluated by statistical method.Results:We found 100% of patients were type A hemophilia. Among of them 66 (82.5%) were male. The mean age was 15±3.51 years. 12 (15%) of them had mild disease intensity and 68 (85%) had sever disease intensity. The ratio of CD4 and CD8 was obtained between 0.45 and 1.44 with mean1.79 ±0.78 and correlation with the gender and disease intesivity was 0.095 and 0.019 respectively.Conclusions:The results showed that the ratio of T helper (Th) to T cytotoxic (Tc) has significant correlation with
Databáze: OpenAIRE