Algunos desafíos en mucopolisacaridosis tipo I

Autor: Graciela Zuccaro, Hernán Eiroa, Hernan Amartino, Mariana Cazalas, Claudia Arberas, Adriana Berretta, Claudio A S Parisi, Guillermo Drelichman, Marcela Pereyra, Carmen De Cunto, Luisa Bay, Adriana Copiz, Alberto Maffey, Hugo Botto, Alejandro Fainboim, Virginia Fano, Graciela Espada, Andrea Schenone, Norberto Guelber, Alejandra Antacle, Rodrigo Remondino, Raquel Staciuk, Norma Spécola
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Archivos Argentinos de Pediatria. 119
ISSN: 0325-0075
Popis: Here we describe the current challenges of mucopolysaccharidosis type I: the need for an adequate classification, establishing its relationship to therapeutic indications; an early diagnosis, from neonatal screening, its advantages and barriers, to clinical suspicion of severe and attenuated forms; spinal and eye disease care, from diagnosis to follow-up and treatment; allergic reactions caused by enzyme replacement therapy, their diagnosis and treatment. And lastly, transition to adult care.
Databáze: OpenAIRE