Profit maximization for competitive social advertising

Autor: Jiawei Chen, Chun Chen, Yan Feng, Sheng Zhou, Yanhao Huang, Can Wang, Deshi Ye, Qihao Shi
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Theoretical Computer Science. 868:12-29
ISSN: 0304-3975
Popis: In social advertising, the social platform host may run marketing campaigns for multiple competing clients simultaneously. In this case, each client comes up with a budget and an influence spread requirement. The host runs campaigns by allocating a set of seed nodes for each client. If the influence spread triggered by a seed set meets the requirement, the host can earn the budget from the corresponding client. In this paper, we study the problem of Profit Maximization, considering that different seeds incur different costs. Given all the clients' requirements met, we aim to find the optimal seed allocation with minimum cost. Under the competitive K-LT propagation model, we show the Profit Maximization problem is NP-hard and NP-hard to approximate with any factor. To find a feasible solution, we propose an effective algorithm that iteratively selects a candidate set and obtains an approximate allocation. The experimental results over a real-world dataset validate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
Databáze: OpenAIRE