NMR Study of Hetero-Association Accompanying Self-Association of 2-Hydroxyl-4-methyl-pyridine and 2-Pyrrolidone in Acetonitrile

Autor: Dah‐YuKao, Jenn-Shing Chen, Chi‐Chyuang Lin, Juh‐Ann Lin, Wei‐Chen Luo
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society. 47:1177-1183
ISSN: 0009-4536
DOI: 10.1002/jccs.200000159
Popis: This work in ves ti gated not only the equi lib rium of self-association of 2-pyrrolidone (A) and that of 2-hydroxyl-4-methyl-pyridine (B), but also the het ero-association be tween A and B in [ 2 H 3]acetonitrile through hy dro gen bond ing us ing high-resolution nu clear mag netic res o nance spec tros copy. Di lu tion shift data for the pro tons of the NH group of A and OH group of B were mea sured over a wide range of tem per a tures and con cen tra tions. In ad di tion, the mono mer shifts, dimer shifts and dimerization con stants of self-association and het ero-association were eval u ated us ing a graphic method op er at ing on the di lu tion chem i cal shift data. The enthalpy and en tropy of dimerization of self-association and het ero-association were also ob tained from the van’t Hoff plot.
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