The Information Security Challenges of Modern Universities

Autor: Bojidar V. Bojinov
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: SSRN Electronic Journal.
ISSN: 1556-5068
Popis: The advent of new information and communication technologies in higher education brings significant competitive advantages, but in parallel, universities are facing a number of challenges related to ensuring both the electronic components of the implementation of the training and the administrative aspect of their operations and security stored and processed personal data of students, employees and contractors. In literature there is no generally accepted definition and vision of the nature and scope of information security. In general, information security covers all aspects of managing and maintaining the integrity of the work of an organization's information, regardless of its technical support. In the context of informatisation of society, the meaning of the term "information security" began to be used in a narrower sense, covering only the management and ensuring security of information only in electronic form. In parallel, the evolution tolerate and scope of the concept that the original set of measures to protect information from unauthorized access today covers the full set of measures to prevent and eliminate problems in the operation of information systems coupled with measures for protection of information flows from unauthorized access and use.
Databáze: OpenAIRE