Development of a Culture-ripened Semi-hard Kishk-cheese Containing Bourghol or Semolina

Autor: Samir Scandar, Elham Hajj, Nadine Al-Arja, Rita Yaacoub, Hussein Dib
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Food Research. 8:21
ISSN: 1927-0895
Popis: In order to develop a new Kishk-based ripened semi-hard cheese, two different wheat types, namely Bourghol and Semolina, were used. The process involved adding together cereal, goat strained yogurt, starter cultures and rennin enzyme. Physicochemical parameters and sensory attributes were assessed during 4 weeks of ripening at 10°C. The results showed an increase in titratable acidity, pH and solubility index in both types of cheese over ripening period reaching final levels of 1.95%, 3.75 and 85% respectively. Free amino acids were accumulating in Semolina cheese (17.75 mg Leu/g in final product), with a sharp increase after week 2 concurring with a marked decrease in residual lactose. A higher depletion rate of residual lactose was observed for Semolina cheese (49% in Semolina vs 40% in Bourghol) (p
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