Dynamics of alpha suppression index both modality specific and general attention processes

Autor: Monica Fabiani, Diane Beck, Mate Gyurkovics, Gabriele Gratton, Grace Clements, Arthur Kramer, Kathy Low
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: EEG alpha power varies under many circumstances requiring visual attention. However, mounting evidence indicates that alpha may not only serve visual processing, but also the processing of stimuli presented in other sensory modalities, including hearing. We previously showed that alpha dynamics during an auditory task vary as a function of competition from the visual modality (Clements et al., 2022) suggesting that alpha may be engaged in multimodal processing. Here we assessed the impact of allocating attention to the visual or auditory modality on alpha dynamics, during the preparatory period of a bimodal-cued conflict task. In this task, precues indicated the modality (vision, hearing) relevant to a subsequent reaction stimulus. This task afforded us the opportunity to assess alpha during modality-specific preparation and while switching between modalities. Alpha suppression following the precue occurred in all conditions indicating that it may reflect general preparatory mechanisms. However, we observed a switch effect when preparing to attend to the auditory modality, in which greater alpha suppression was elicited when switching to the auditory modality compared to repeating. No switch effect was evident when preparing to attend to visual information (although robust suppression did occur in both conditions). In addition, waning alpha suppression preceded error trials, irrespective of sensory modality. These findings indicate that alpha can be used to monitor the level of preparatory attention to process both visual and auditory information. These results support the emerging view that alpha band activity may index a general attention control mechanism used across modalities, at least vision and hearing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE