Scialorrea e tappi di muco: consigli pratici di gestione nei pazienti eleggibili alle cure palliative pediatriche

Autor: Irene Avagnina, Chiara Paolin, Franca Benini, Micaela Santini
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: QUADERNI ACP. 28:76-79
ISSN: 2039-1374
Popis: Pediatric palliative care is a multidisciplinary area of pediatrics that aims to ensure a quality of life for children suffering from incurable diseases with high care complexity and also respond to their needs and those of their families. At the clinical level, there are many disturbing symptoms with a wide impact on the quality of life, which must be managed and treated. In particular some of them represent a major challenge for caregivers and health professionals looking after children eligible for PPC. This work aims to present, with a practical and immediately useful cut for the pediatrician, the management strategies of frequent symptoms, starting with drooling and mucus plugs; the latter are very frequent in children with non-oncological disease, followed by PPC. If not treated, they limit the child’s quality of life and have a significant impact on the concerns and management of family members / caregivers.
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