
Autor: Maximilian Kappe, Timo Götzelmann, Julian Kreimeier
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: PETRA
Popis: Sonification is a promising way for blind and visually impaired people to capture and process information purely auditory, e.g., by mapping distance metrics on sound characteristics. To optimally use the users' sensory bandwidth and cognitive load a sequential scanning at multiple azimuth angles instead of only one measuring point straight ahead could be a suitable option. Thus, we present a preliminary cross-platform implementation and evaluation of such a sequential 'line-scanning sonification' using off-the-shelf components while comparing frequency (FM) and amplitude modulation (AM). In our user study with blindfolded and visually impaired participants, users gained a more accurate mental model in significantly shorter time by means of FM compared to AM and the HoloLens' usability was rated better than our LIDAR prototype's. These initial findings show possibilities for further improvement, so that similar approaches could be used more and better in blind and visually impaired peoples' everyday life.
Databáze: OpenAIRE