Behavior of Collapsible Loessic Soil After Interparticle Cementation

Autor: Pedro A. Arrúa, Marcelo Eberhardt, Gonzalo M. Aiassa, Alercia Biga C
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: International Journal of Geomate.
ISSN: 2186-2982
DOI: 10.21660/2011.2.2d
Popis: The water content, shape and roughness of soil particles are related to the strength and stiffness of loessic soil samples under remolded conditions. When soil sample are under undisturbed condition, the cementation level between particles by the presence of water-soluble carbonates, govern the soil macroscopic behavior. Soil stiffness depends on the rigidity of the link. To control the mechanical collapsible behavior usually compaction and stabilization are made by Geotechnical Company with cementations agents. This work presents the hydration process of cement without mixing water and how geotechnical index and other parameter are modified. Those variables influence the resistance have been evaluated using unconfined compression tests. Results showed that resistance depend on the initial water content of hydration. Optimal conditions for generation cementing bridges are established.
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