Is it Too Late for Growth?

Autor: Andrew K. Jorgenson, Juliet B. Schor
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Review of Radical Political Economics. 51:320-329
ISSN: 1552-8502
Popis: The planet is on a path to catastrophic warming which calls for structural changes in the operation of Global North economies, not merely a transformation of energy sources, the core of “green growth” approaches. Our research on inequality and working time shows that these are powerful drivers of carbon emissions that can be the center of a progressive agenda supplementing energy transition. Our work also shows that disproportionality in emissions sources presents a policy opportunity. We challenge Pollin’s view that only growth-centric approaches are politically viable, and argue that progressive politics has moved from growth-centricity to needs- and people-centered policies. In our response, we argue that the recent rise of the Green New Deal is a strong piece of evidence for our position. JEL Classification: Q5, Q54, Q56
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