Determination of Elastic Properties of Resected Human Breast Tissue Samples Using Optical Coherence Tomographic Elastography

Autor: Pradeep Kumar Gupta, K. D. Rao, Yogesh Verma, A. Srivastava
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Strain. 47:75-87
ISSN: 0039-2103
Popis: The present study is concerned with the application of optical coherence tomographic (OCT) elastography technique for quantitative assessment of the elastic properties of resected human breast tissue samples subjected to axial compressive loading in vitro. Three classes of breast tissue samples, namely normal, benign (fibroadenoma) and malignant (invasive ductal carcinoma), were considered. A speckle tracking technique based on two-dimensional cross correlation was employed to track the speckle motion between original (pre-compressed) and the displaced (post-compressed) OCT images of the tissue samples for the measurement of displacement and strain maps. The overall data reduction approach for quantitative assessment of elastic properties was validated against the results of gelatin phantoms containing activated charcoal particles as scattering centres. Results are presented in the form of OCT images and displacement and axial strain maps for normal, benign and malignant breast tissue samples. Based on the stress–strain relationship obtained for these three classes, the values of stiffness coefficients were reported in terms of modulus of elasticity. Results of the study reveal significant differences between the two-dimensional displacement vector maps of normal and cancerous breast tissue samples. The stiffness of benign tissue samples is found to be about two times higher than that of normal tissue samples, whereas for malignant samples, it is about four times higher, thereby signifying appreciable differences in the stiffness of cancerous and normal tissue samples.
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