International Activity Intensification as a Means of Development of an Innovatively Active University

Autor: Olena Rayevnyeva, Maryna Berest
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 2222-0712
DOI: 10.32983/2222-0712-2021-4-4-13
Popis: The article is aimed at analyzing various approaches to understanding the phenomenon of "internationalization of higher education institutions," and identifying tools for effective international activities of innovatively active higher education institutions (hereinafter referred to as IA HEIs) in the context of globalization, transformation and digitalization of society. Having studied substantive aspects and development of the "internationalization of higher education" concept, the authors found out that currently internationalization at the national, sectoral and institutional levels is defined as the process of implementing international, intercultural or global dimension in the purpose and/or function of and support for higher education. At the same time, the development of internalization processes in higher education takes place in the context of large-scale globalization challenges, thus requiring support for enhancing the competitiveness of national education systems in the global market of educational services. It is determined that higher education institutions are the main driving force in developing structures and strategies of international cooperation and play a systemic and strategic role in ensuring and developing internationalization processes. This role requires active development of modern forms, methods, technologies and innovations in higher education, for example, by increasing the effectiveness of the international activity of HEIs. Having analyzed numerous scientific information sources and modern approaches to understanding the content of the "international activity of a higher education institution" concept, as well as to considering its intrinsic features and key approaches to its implementation, the authors define international activity of higher education institutions as a process of organizing international cooperation of a university with foreign institutional, national and international entities, which has a systemic character and is aimed at effectively implementing its mission, improving its image and competitiveness in the national and international markets of educational services, ensuring institutional development and implementation of foreign policy objectives. The key components of the international activity of HEIs are proved to be interrelated. The authors consider the intrinsic features of the international activity of an innovatively active university, and define its purpose and the main tasks of its realization. A set of international activity types characteristic for an innovatively active university is developed. The authors suggest that these activity types be considered in terms of their educational, scientific and organizational components. The formation of a system of indicators for evaluating and monitoring the effectiveness of international activities of a university in the world educational and scientific space can become a prospect for further research.
Databáze: OpenAIRE