AB1380 Peripheral neuropathy in inflammatory joint diseases

Autor: O. Syniachenko, Tetyana Bevzenko, Y. Yehudina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Validation of outcome measures and biomarkers.
Popis: Background For frequent extra-articular (systemic) manifestations of joints inflammatory diseases are various damage of the nervous system,2 and the presence and severity of peripheral neuropathy (PNP) have significance in the clinical course, which incidence among these patients is 5%–10%.1 Nevertheless, many clinical and pathogenic aspects of this peripheral neuropathy (PNP) remain obscure. Objectives to evaluate the rate and clinical features of PNP in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), chlamydia urogenital reactive arthritis (ReA), psoriatic arthritis (PA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS), to examine the issues of pathogenetic constructions such changes of the nervous system, define risk factors. Methods The study included 416 patients with inflammatory joint diseases, among them 131 RA patients, 101 ReA, 76 PA and 108 AS. The average age of the examined was respectively 45, 32, 42 and 38 years, disease duration – 10, 4, 12 and 11 years, male to female ratio – 1:5, 1:1, 1:2 and 10:1. Results The frequency of the PNP in RA, ReA, PA and AS was 13%, 19%, 24% and 34%, while its severity in patients with PA Conclusions PNP is a relatively common manifestation of inflammatory diseases of the joints, which correlate with clinical and laboratory signs of the disease, and in the future such active detection of the nervous system pathology will be useful for timely follow-up rehabilitation. Reference [1] Oomatia A., Fang H., Petri M., Birnbaum J. Peripheral neuropathies in systemic lupus erythematosus: clinical features, disease associations, and immunologic characteristics evaluated over a twenty-five-year study period. Arthritis Rheumatol2014;66(4):1000–1009. [2] Sampaio-Barros PD. Epidemiology of spondyloarthritis in Brazil. Am. J. Med. Sci2011;341(4): 287–288. Disclosure of Interest None declared
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