Ultrashort-pulse generation in solid state dye lasers

Autor: Sergei M. Klimentov, Alexander A. Manenkov, Dennis P. Pacheco, Henry R. Aldag, Ya. V. Kravchenko, Serge V. Garnov
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.308690
Popis: Generation of ultrashort pulses (picosecond range duration) in pyrromethene-580 (PM-580) and xanthene 11B dyes doped modified PMMA polymer lasers is reported. Active polymer elements were pumped by second harmonic radiation of the 50 picosecond Nd:YAG laser. A single-pulse and train-pulse laser generation was observed at different conditions (variable optical resonator length and pump energy) with a pulsewidth ranging from 140 ps to 30 ps. The train-pulse generation is attributed to mode-locking of a laser resonator. The lifetime (tau) e , of an excited quantum state of a laser transition of the PM- 580 dye molecules has been estimated ((tau) e equals 200 divided by 250 ps) from the pulse-train duration.
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