Erfolgskontrolle und Lebensqualität nach Myomembolisation: Langzeitergebnisse

Autor: F. Hirzel, T. Hess, C. Zollikofer
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Gynäkologisch-geburtshilfliche Rundschau. 48:84-93
ISSN: 1423-0011
DOI: 10.1159/000118936
Popis: This study was performed in order to evaluate the changes in uterine fibroid symptoms and their impact on the quality of life after uterine fibroid embolization (UFE). The patients source of information about this novel treatment and their reasons for choosing UFE were also studied. Health-related quality of life and the status of uterine fibroid symptoms were assessed in 44 patients before and after treatment using a validated questionnaire. After 33.5 months on average, a significant change in symptoms of -60.4% and a change in health-related quality of life of +74.39% were reported. Over 50% of patients had heard about UFE for the first time through the media, and 62.9% of patients had opted for this form of treatment because it enabled them to keep their uterus; 91.5% of patients would recommend it. UFE is a novel, effective and minimally invasive alternative to more invasive, open or laparascopic treatment procedures in cases of uterine fibroid symptoms.
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