A heuristic approach to schedule periodic real-time tasks on reconfigurable hardware

Autor: Klaus Danne, Marco Platzner
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: FPL
DOI: 10.1109/fpl.2005.1515787
Popis: This paper deals with scheduling periodic real-time tasks on reconfigurable hardware devices, such as FPGAs. Reconfigurable hardware devices are increasingly used in embedded systems. To utilize these devices also for systems with real-time constraints, predictable task scheduling is required. We formalize the periodic task scheduling problem and propose two preemptive scheduling algorithms. The first is an adaption of the well-known earliest deadline first (EDF) technique to the FPGA execution model. Although the algorithm reveals good scheduling performance, it lacks an efficient schedulability test and requires a high number of FPGA configurations. The second algorithm uses the concept of servers that reserve area and execution time for other tasks. Tasks are successively merged into servers, which are then scheduled sequentially. While this method is inferior to the EDF-based technique regarding schedulability, it comes with a fast schedulability test and greatly reduces the number of required FPGA configurations.
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