Keyhole Pattern with Superior-Medial Pedic in Large Breast Reduction

Autor: Ahmed S. Zidan, Hossam Y Elkafrawy, Ehab Z Azzam
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: The Egyptian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 43:463-468
ISSN: 1110-0044
Popis: Background: Breast surgery is one of the most difficultfields of aesthetic surgery, because of the complexity ofsurgical procedures and the relative guidelines defining theaesthetically perfect breast.The goal in reduction mammaplasty is to achieve a pleasingbalance among size, shape, and projection of the breast withoptimal sensation and appropriate blood supply for the nippleareolaand breast. These goals are challenged by the amountof excess tissue and severely distorted breast landmarks inmassive breast hypertrophy and severe breast ptosis.The traditional treatment for massive breast hypertrophyor severe breast ptosis is breast amputation with free graftingof the nipple-areola or inverted T, inferior pedicle used tohave a relatively high number of complications and thedisadvantage. On the other hand, relying on inverted T,superior-medial pedicle can avoid the disadvantage of theprevise techniques and give reliable, stable and pleasant resultsin large reduction mammoplasties.Patients and Methods: This is a prospective randomizedstudy that included 20 healthy female patients suffering frombreast hypertrophy and they are candidate for reductionmammoplasty by the proposed technique. Design of skinmarking for superior-medial pedicle breast reduction techniquewas carried out with the standard Wise pattern. The amountof removed tissue was recorded, the aesthetic result and patientsatisfaction was estimated for the results.Results: This study includes 20 female patients of an ageranged between 24-45 years old and a breast size (suprasternalnotch to nipple distance) ranging from 33 to 42cm. The weightof removed tissues during surgery in our study was rangingfrom 1210 to 1970. We found that 75% of our results are ofexcellent aesthetic results, 15% good and 10% fair with 70%of patients were satisfied, 20% of patients were somewhatsatisfied/somewhat dissatisfied and 10% of patients weredissatisfied.Conclusion: From this study we concluded that the keyholepattern with superior medial pedicle was an efficient techniquefor excising more tissue in large breasts with pleasant aestheticresults.
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